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How to Avoid a Brand Identity Crisis

Have you ever felt lost in your life?  Or have you constantly made bad decisions, one right after another, because you are trying to find yourself or feel like you no longer know who you are? If you have, you may be experiencing a midlife crisis. Business owners, unfortunately, face the same dilemma. Even some […]

Mental Health Benefits of Watersports

Five Ways Watersports Improve Your Mental Health We all know that swimming, kayaking, and other watersports provide a vigorous physical workout that can get your adrenaline pumping. But exercising in the open water where you’re out in the sun and breathing fresh air offers more than a full-body workout. It also improves your mental health […]

Entrepreneur Motivation

Kim’s Lyza’s Rodney’s As business owners we always encounter people who want to kill our dreams.  They are always whispering in our ears of what we can and can’t achieve.  When we listen, we give them power to change our destiny.  You need to recognize when to set healthy boundaries for “dream killers” and to […]

Why Businesses Need a Plan

Why Businesses Need a Blueprint to Ensure Success If you’ve ever visited the World of Coca Cola in downtown Atlanta, you know why this iconic company continues to dominate its market year in and year out. As I stepped into the museum recently, my eye immediately caught the company’s core values emblazoned on the wall […]